#EVENT: End Of The Weak MC Challenge Nigeria 2018

This is a competition to find the most well rounded mc's to represent them and us throughout any and all existing E.O.W.'s. For all the other chapters of E.O.W this is how they have been effectively running for years. Each chapter holds its own tournament, doing 4-5 challenges within a year and then doing a championship with all winners from that year. Chapters in the Unites States will send their champion to New York for the U.S finals. Whoever becomes champion will then represent the U.S in the International challenge of champs. Every country sends their winner to a selected location. 2008 was in New York, 2009 was in London, England and 2010 was in Berlin, Germany. Every winner reps in their native language and multilingual judges decide our champ. The M.C. challenge goes as such: Round 1: Written Round DJ will spin a popular beat in which challengers have 1 minute to do a written piece. Round 2: Acapella Round Challengers have 1 minute to do a writte...